3601 North Main Street, owensboro3601 North Main Street, owensboro
Why choose extended stay hotels in “holiday-inn-exp-stes-altus”?
Extended stay hotels are for long term stays, with amenities that can include business center, hot
breakfast, pet friendly hotels, working area, in room kitchenettes, separate bedroom, living space, or
combined for single person or multiple adults. Rooms can include hot tubs, jacuzzi, and showers with
free Wi-fi. Most popular for hospital visits, construction companies, consultants, salespeople, travelers
for work and leisure. Try staying on the beach for a week in an extended stay hotel with the entire
family, it will bring hotel experience to the next stage. Hotels range from 1 star, 2star, 3 stars, 4 stars,
and 5 stars. Great for romantic getaways, to soccer tournaments, to baseball tournaments, basketball
tournaments, or just going to follow your favorite team to another city. Perfect for wedding groups, or
any groups that intend to stay longer then few days to weeks to months.